3. Implementation

3.1 Project Structure

  • client - The entire frontend code.
    • assets - The project's assets (fonts, Icons and images).
    • build - The directory of the compiled frontend code.
    • src - The Javascript source code of the frontend.
      • library - Classes for the reducers and resources.
      • model - The reducers for the app.
      • views - The React components for the application.
          * `app` - The "smart" components for the app.
          * `pages` - The static pages within the site.
          * `parser` - The "smart" components for the parser.
          * `templates` - The templates used by both the app and parser.
          * `ui` - The "dumb" components for every aspect of the app.
    • style - The SASS code for the app.
      • app - The styling for "smart" app components.
      • common - The common styles for all of the app. Contains theme information also.
      • pages - The styling for the static pages.
      • ui - The styling for all React components.
    • test - The tests for the frontend.
  • server - The Python source code for the server.
    • api - The Flask API Blueprints (endpoints).
    • library - Classes for the SQL Alchemy models and utility code.
    • migrations - Contains the code for database migrations.
      • data - Code to insert scraped data into the database.
      • versions - The database migrations (versions).
    • model - The SQL Alchemy models.
    • test - The API tests.

Non-code directories

  • data
    • dumps - The database dumps as backups.
    • papers - Some example test papers.
  • deploy - The Dockerfiles for deployment.
  • design - The user interface design of the application (.sketch).
  • report - This report.
  • research - Some research (incl. IPython notebooks and database visualisations diagrams).